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'0' + month : month; var day = date.getDate(), day = day < 10 ? '0' + day : day; return month + '/' + day; } // $('.cart-p-detail-wrapper .arrival_date_data').text(formatTime(myDate) + '-' + formatTime(myDate2)); $('.cart-p-detail-wrapper .arrival_date_data').text(formatTime(myDate)); if (isStaff) { $('.cart-p-detail-wrapper .arrival_date_data').text(formatTime(myDate)); } else { // $('.cart-p-detail-wrapper .arrival_date_data').text(formatTime(myDate) + '-' + formatTime(myDate2)); $('.cart-p-detail-wrapper .arrival_date_data').text(formatTime(myDate)); } // if (isStaff && !accWproOnly) { // $('.cart-p-detail-wrapper .installation_date_data').text(formatTime(myDate) + '-' + formatTime(installDate2)); // } else { // $('.cart-p-detail-wrapper .installation_date_data').hide(); // } } // shoppingcart.js //js控制间距 var check = jQuery('.cart-container > form #shopping-cart-table tbody td.subtotal'); if (check.length > 0) { mobileCart(check); } function mobileCart(select) { if (jQuery(window).width() < 769) { for (var i = 0; i < select.length; i++) { var td = select.eq(i).prev(); 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}); // 商品详情页面视频——结束 // where to find——开始 $('a.where_find').click(function () { $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden'); $('.finder').addClass('show'); $('#pop-up').addClass('show'); return false; }); $('.finder-con-title-model-close').click(function () { $('html').css('overflow', 'auto'); $('.finder').removeClass('show'); $('#pop-up').removeClass('show'); }); $('#pop-up').click(function () { $('.finder-con-title-model-close').trigger('click'); }); // where to find——结束 }); require(['jquery'], function ($) { $('#model_select_one').change(function () { $.ajax({ type: 'post', url: $(this).attr('data-url'), data: { category_id: $(this).val(), }, dataType: 'text', success: function (data) { var obj = eval('(' + data + ')'); var strss = ''; if (obj.code) { var titles = 'title3'; var images = 'image1'; strss += '<div class="finer-con-result-col">'; if (obj.data[titles] == null || obj.data[titles] == '') { } else { strss += ' <div class="finer-con-result-col-til">'; strss += ' <h5>' + obj.data[titles] + '</h5> '; 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